S.O.S: Save Our Seas, Scavenge Our Shores

During the summer of 2019, visitors to Annmarie Garden are invited to help promote a growing environmental problem and make a difference by creating a spectacular mural.



Did you know that plastics are so prevalent in our oceans and waterways there is now a term for the study of this problem?  It’s called  Plastinography.  As plastic is tossed around in the currents, it  breaks into smaller and smaller bits, known as microplastics. These small plastic bits are troublesome for multiple reasons.  As they are eaten by wildlife and marine life, they cause health problems in animals and humans.  These bits can also wash ashore and  melt in the hot sun, mixing with sediment and grains of sand, shell,  and rock, forming a new kind of “stone” called plastiglomerate.   These microplastics and plastiglomerates are so abundant, they are now part of Earth’s geologic record, embedded in the layers of history of our planet. Just as prehistoric fossils give us clues to the life and activities on Earth from ages ago, what will these plastiglomerates and plastic detritus tell future generations of our time here?

Help us take care of our waterways!  Visit your local beach and clean up the plastic.  Bring your beach plastics to us to be used in our summer public art project.  Let’s clean our beaches, protect our wildlife, and create something beautiful in the process!
Drop off your beach plastics to Annmarie Garden any day between 10am-4pm at the front desk. No paper, metal, or glass please. Clean those items from your beaches too, but recycle them elsewhere.  Our project is only using plastic.


This organization is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council (