Artist-In-Residence COMMUNITY ARTS Program

Annmarie is pleased to invite artists to apply to our COMMUNITY ARTS residency program.  The Annmarie AIR program has a goal of nurturing artists interested in community and public art projects, and we are committed to providing opportunities for artists to engage the public in their work.  If you are looking for an opportunity to develop and implement a collaborative community art project or a public art installation, then we warmly invite you to apply!  Questions should be directed to  Jaimie Jeffrey, Curator of Programs,, OR t. 410-326-4640.


Professional and emerging visual artists, musicians, and literary artists may apply.  Selection is made by an internal panel and/or by a peer review panel.  Annmarie Garden accommodates only one artist at a time.


The Annmarie AIR program has seasonally specific goals and guidelines....

Spring Residency: Check out our Artists in Action program HERE.  Residency Length: March- May, short 1-2 week studio residencies. Multiple artists accepted. Rolling deadline.

Summer Residency: artists are invited to submit a proposal for community art project that will engage visitors of all ages. Artists will be expected to actively engage the public in an exciting and compelling project. Preference will be given to projects that use some or all recycled or repurposed materials. Artist is expected to work at least 24 hours a week directly with visitors. This residency typically runs June-August.  Residency length: 2 to 3 months; deadline to apply: April 1. 

MLK Winter Residency:  artists are invited to submit a community arts project proposal inspired by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., his life, his vision, his work. The project coincides with our annual MLK Days program in January, and may run through February.  The project may result in a short or long term installation to be exhibited in the sculpture garden or one of the galleries.  Artist must be willing to engage with visitors, including group tours and/or field trip groups. Residency length: 3 days to 2 weeks; deadline to apply: December 1. APPLY HERE

This organization is supported in part by
the Maryland State Arts Council (


Application Seasons and Deadlines: 

Spring Residencies:  Ongoing Jan- March
Spring Application


Summer Residency: April 1
Summer Application

NEW! Fall Garden in Lights Residency: Sept 1
Application coming soon!

MLK Winter Residency: December 1
Winter Application




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